Earth Tremor
Scintillae: the wave crests
To the islands' base line.
Shaken through fingers,
Smooth-scoured pebbles'
Future sand; and strangely shaken
Ground like jelly
wobbling sideways
As dust streams clear of the grey-streaked summit.
Sail-sway. Wind-borne,
Far hulls cluster
On the brief horizon
Between the headlands.
Forested, rugged, the Turkish mountains -
Silver-crested, the turquoise sea-waves
Bring in the breath of offshore breezes
Over the stones where ghosts foregather
Under parasols of woven turquoise.
Ephemeral voices, faces, laughter
Fear-flash, trembling
Foam, and faintly the great forefather
Groans, and twitches his fish-finned mantle .